Sunday, December 27, 2009

Home for the Holidays

Well I have been home in Spokane Washington for a couple of weeks now and have decided to get back into the swing of things. I visited Curt at Runner's Soul and picked myself up a new pair of running shoes. It seemed appropriate since my three weeks of rest was about up and that my old shoes smelled like cat pee. I am not sure why they smelled so bad but occasionally someone would announce that someones feet reeked. I was usually brave enough to say it was me then immediately removed and hid the source, usually outside or in another room with a airtight seal. But really what I wanted to say was that I loved my new shoes and running around good old Spokane. Running some of the familiar trials we used to train on while in high school brought back great memories.

Just like I did while riding my bike around this past fall in Las Cruces, New Mexico I have been thinking more about my running bio mechanics than ever before. I think all the cycling helped me figure out that brute force and strength is not always the best way to get faster. I won't bore you with all the details but mainly I have been trying to pick my knees up and increase cadence while on my runs.

As always when I get excited about something I start thinking into the future and I find myself setting goals. One of my goals, as of lately, (like two days ago) is to attempt an Ironman distance triathlon. Yeah laugh it up if you must but I just find challenges that seem completely ridiculous compelling. I am also at the moment looking for a couple of other half ironman distance triathlons to enter to fill my summer with delight and drama.

Switching gears I have enjoyed my time home with the family. I was majorly psyched up to go skiing since it has been approaching two years since I have glided across the white stuff. The weather patterns have had other ideas, apparently, and the snow in the mountains has been let's just say about as significant as a gnat kitting the windshield of a train. Here in the house however, Mom has been amazing with the meals and the chores. It is nice to have a week (or two or three) free from having any deadlines and due dates on the old calendar. Christmas dinner was exceptional. The turkey and stuffing was cooked to perfection and the pumpkin pie was the best I have ever had. I'm not just saying that. This pie was the bomb! No really!

I brought my camera home with me in hopes of taking pictures of many of my favorite sights around the Spokane area. The following are some of the better pictures. I will try and take a few more before I head back but for now these will do.

A foggy morning on a farm near Tower Mountain.

Mom upon remembering tomorrow is Christmas.

Pepper our black Labrador.

Gus our chocolate Labrador. He is very ferocious.

Gus and Pepper exploring by Hangman Creek. This is one of my favorite things in the world; exploring cool places with dogs.

Mama Ruth inspecting a package of band-aids. She is really good at studying inanimate objects.

I really like this picture of my grandma. The bright cold light coming in from the kitchen window does something I can't quite explain. It was nice to have her down for Christmas, even if she drives everyone crazy.

And this is about 3 weeks into my attempt at growing a beard. What do you think? Mustache, Goatee, Soul Patch? I will probably shave it off pretty soon because it is itchy and my hairs are constantly getting stuck in it which tickle my face. Nothing like an itchy face when you are trying to fall asleep at night.

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