Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Logan Race Club

It's true, Logan, Utah has a Race Club! Just like NMSU! However, this "Logan version" of Race Club is a little different, it is cycling only. Yesterday, after three or four weeks of trying to find them, I finally managed to catch up with them during their Tuesday Night Ride. For those of you who ride in Las Cruces with Zia Velo, it is like their "Heater" ride, meaning, it is FAST, HARD, and AGGRESSIVE.

It was nice to finally meet some other people who share my passion and interests and learn some new names (which I will probably forget by next Tuesday). Of course rolling into the parking lot all by myself not knowing anyone I was nervous as hell stuttering and shaking all over the place but once we got rolling, my nerves settled down and I began to get my feel for riding in a group again.

After the ride, where there were about three or more very hard pulls for the sprints, a couple of the riders asked if I went to Gonzaga since I had on my Gonzaga jersey. "Unfortunately no" I said. "I just grew up in Spokane and my Mom is a huge fan of their basketball program and sends me all of their swag if she sees it." However, don't get me wrong, I too am a fan of Gonzaga basketball!

So the ride went well. I managed to not make too big a fool out of myself while riding in a new group and basically just followed wheels to see where we were going. Maybe after a few more rides with the Logan Race Club big boys, I will try and give one of the sprints a try, even though I am not very good at sprinting. Overall, Logan is pretty awesome. There is beautiful scenery everywhere, numerous recreation options, and of course GREAT cheese (which seems to be my food of choice lately). I must eat a block of cheese every seven to ten days. That, and a gallon of ice cream. Thank goodness for my active lifestyle or I swear I would weigh 1,000 pounds by now.

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