Friday, November 20, 2009


Here are just a few pictures of the stars I saw the other night while watching the meteor shower. Brianne was kind enough to go with me so I wasn't too terribly creeped out. Actually I did get scared a couple of times but only because some of the meteors were so bright and illuminating. The first good one must have been just below the northern horizon. It looked like an atomic bomb exploded 100 miles away or something. Lots of red and orange flashes. I never actually saw it but I'm assuming that was what it was. The second really good one was directly over head. I was falling asleep and my eyes were closed but I still saw it streaking right for me. I sat up so fast and abrupt I definitely spooked Brianne for a good couple of minutes. It was a good show. The stars here in the high New Mexican desert are perhaps the brightest I've ever seen.

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