Monday, February 22, 2010

Why am I so tired?

I have slowly been starting to get back in the triathlon training but this last week something very strange has been happening. I have absolutely no energy. I feel like I am way over-trained but that is impossible because I have hardly been training. To give you an example of what a typical day feels like I wake up at around 8:00 or a little earlier and then try and remember my dreams if I had any. I have been keeping a dream journal and enjoy writing down all my crazy dreams so I can remember them later. I roll out of bed and proceed to brew some coffee and eat a bowl of cereal and a piece of fruit like a banana or an orange. I drink a cup or two of coffee and then figure out what I need to do for the day. I always have to water the greenhouse so I usually go do that first. Then while watering the greenhouse it feels like all my muscles are slowly getting weaker and weaker and I am becoming heavier and more paralyzed. If I am to walk up any stairs I will become incredibly light headed and need to pause to keep from falling over. All I want to do is stop moving and lay down. After staggering back to my bike (which I wish was now a car because I don't know how on earth I will pedal home) I slowly and awkwardly pedal the mile back to my apartment. I immediately haul myself back into bed (which is strangely very difficult). I fall asleep around 9:30 and proceed to sleep until 1:30 in the afternoon. I just don't understand what is going on.

Later I might go for a walk because I am tired of looking at the ceiling and I just don't have the energy to go for a swim bike or run. I walk around and then it hits me again. I want to lay down in the middle of my walk and just rest for a couple of hours. I make the walk back home and then drink the rest of my pot of coffee thinking that will wake me up. Unfortunately it never does. I then eat something and start my homework or screw around online for a while if I have nothing really very important to do. By 9:30 I am getting ready for bed and am usually asleep by 10:30. What is happening to me?

Some other strange symptoms I have been having is I can not gain weight. I have really been trying but I can't do it. I have not weighed as light as I do now since I was a Sophomore in high school. Also my heart rate is incredibly low. I mean it is even low for an athlete. Sitting in class it is usually around 40 and laying down it is around 35. My blood pressure is high however. So figure that one out. And every time I eat something I feel incredibly bloated and sick. I seem to be falling apart and I can't figure out why. Sometime this week I will go get some blood work done and perhaps a physical so get to the bottom of these strange symptoms. I know no one reads my blog but if you have any thoughts on what is going on shoot me an email.

1 comment:

  1. i'm no doctor but am interested to hear what they find out with the bloodtests. if you were a girl i'd say anemic but your a boy so i'd say mono.
