Okay. So it has been nearly a month since I have last posted but it is all due to my work load as a graduate student this semester. It is unreal! That is why I have not been posting. Busy is too light of a word really. Hysterically-busy gets closer at describing my days, but I think the best way to describe my life right now is I've simply lost my marbles and I need to figure out how to prevent the rest from rolling away. And on top of that I tried to stay active in the triathlon lifestyle. Well, I tried, and tried so hard to make it work but it is just not going to happen. The stress is building to levels that will likely cause permanent brain damage (I'm not joking) and I will not be satisfied with either my school work or my training. So that is it! I am done for a while. I am not entering in any more races unless they can be done on a Saturday or Sunday morning. I am not going to have any more structured training or commitments. If I want to ride my bike I will just ride. I may swim if I feel like it or go for a jog but that is it. It is now purely for self enjoyment. Not life fulfillment.
I took some great pictures the other evening while Brianne was running up Soledad Canyon. They can be seen at:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/adamblalock/So that is all. It was a short post but I need to stop wasting time and head out to the farm to collect plant samples for my Agriculture 365 class tomorrow morning.

Brianne and I went exploring in Box Canyon and found this little cutie. A horny toad lizard! They are the coolest.

This evening hike up into Soledad Canyon was incredible! The colors were so vivid.

I found a stick bug! I thought they were only i found in the tropics.

Soledad Canyon just as the sun was setting.
I'm not really a lizard type of person, but that really is the cutest!!!!!