Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Once a Runner

Once I used to run. I used to run a lot. I ran in elementary school, I ran in middle school, and I ran in high school. I even tried to run in college but it didn't work out (mostly due to the coach). Now once again I am a runner. For the past two weeks or so I have been running nearly every day. I take a day off here and there but for the most part, if I didn't run in the morning, I try to run in the evening.

Yesterday was probably the longest day of running (in terms of minutes on my feet) and I could definitely feel that effort today. After 30 minutes I was struggling to keep myself from walking. Sometimes when I run with Brianne she feels the need to walk and I just can't understand why. I tell her if you are tired just slow down, but don't walk. Well, if Brianne was running with me this morning she would probably be telling me the same thing. It was all I could do the keep a steady shuffle ticking over.

I think it's a good thing to not feel 100% all of the time. It lets me know that changes are happening in my body and after I come out of the slump I will be as good as new and perhaps a little better. So I believe as of now, after a few weeks of consistent running, some ups and downs, and a new source of inspiration, I am a runner once again.

1 comment:

  1. its sooooo easy to "not walk" when running with someone or running in a group; but when i'm running by myself i throw a lot more "walking minutes" in there than i should!! i've been running almost everyday but am no where near back to where i was pre-pregnancy (blech); it doesnt help that i'm still up 10 lbs in the weight department (double blech).
