Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Feeling Good on the Run

I have taken a couple of days off from running. It wasn't something I really wanted, but I had to. This is finals week at NMSU and things, like always, get pretty hairy around this time. I was doing a fairly good job of keeping up on my running consistency but sometimes life just forces you to take another direction. I read and hear about all other graduate students who still stay fully involved with triathlon and continue to preform well. I keep wondering just how this is possible. I have tried working things out in my head as well as on paper and my findings are always the same. There just isn't enough time. Either that or I must be the most inefficient and dumbest graduate student ever... or an over achiever. Maybe I need to learn to say "no" more.

Anyway I took a few days off from running and it was killing me. I feel so antsy and nervous when I sit on my ass all day. After getting scolded again for forgetting an important meeting I needed to do something. I came straight home, put on my running shoes and zipped out the door. It felt wonderful to feel the fresh air in my face and leave my cell phone at home. Besides the wind feeling good in my face, my legs felt good too. Real good. After those two days off I must have been experiencing a little mini peak. Any runner knows the feeling I think. Your legs just seem to be spinning around nice and fluid like and you realize you have probably been running 5:30 mile pace for the last 20 minutes. Yes it was nice to finally get the feeling again. And it was nice to just plain feel again too. Thanks good run!

1 comment:

  1. When did you get a blog? This is sweet. I know exactly what you mean, If I sit around and don't run it drives me nuts! You will be fine though, got any races planed for next year?
