Brianne was doing the the Vineman half ironman aqua-bike and I was doing the full Vineman ironman, Except... I don't know if you remember this but, three weeks ago I fell off my bike and was seriously beat up beyond anything ever holy. Now because I was not racing I got to watch the race and cheer Brianne on. Brianne had never raced a 1.2 mile swim and a 56 mile bike ride so she was a little intimidated but she did terrific. She even won her age group and was probably the top 3 out of the water and top 10 over all female. Good job Brianne!
After Brianne's race my mom flew back to Spokane and Brianne and I had a day to do whatever. Since I didn't really get a chance to see the ocean while visiting the Redwoods and Brianne is a big fan of water in general, we decided to go to the coast for the day.
We drove over to and then up Highway 1, right along the coast, stopping at a couple of neat beaches and hiking trails. All along the coast there was a thin high fog which made the geography feel as though you were walking through another country (mostly Scotland comes to mind). It was pretty fantastic and I couldn't remember the last time I had so much fun with Brianne.
Pointing at the waves braking on the rocks.
One of my favorite things to do is pretend I am Mickey Mouse in Fantasia building giant waves and altering the course of the universe.
Love those pics!!